Time to break fast!!! One pound of chicken and beef souvlaki and a plate full of…

Time to break fast!!! One pound of chicken and beef souvlaki and a plate full of loaded potato wedges When it comes to dieting most people have it all wrong. They think that dieting entails eating 100% “clean food” all of the time or they go on crazy zero carb diets you need carbs for proper hormonal function not to mention energy for the gym!! Carbs aren’t the enemy excess calories are the enemy. To lose fat or to “diet” means to be in a caloric deficit. If you are in a caloric deficit you lift heavy and you get sufficient protein I guarantee you will burn body fat and retain muscle mass. The trick is to find the most enjoyable way to eat at a deficit for me intermittent fasting makes dieting extremely easy and allows me to eat meals like this while still being at a deficit I can eat the food I want stay lean and enjoy life!!! If your diet is not enjoyable it will be much harder to adhere to and eventually when you crack you will probably binge out of guilt with the “oh well I already cheated mentality.” You must enjoy the process if you are to sustain it this is exactly what intermittent fasting allows me to do. Time to muck!!!! #intermittentfasting #lift #fitfat #food #foodporn #trainheavy #lift #liftheavy #ripped #abs #aesthetics #fitness ##fitnessaddict #fitnesstips #motivation #healthy #flow #gym #gains #gainz #shredded #getlean #lean #chicken #motivation #fitspo #fitnessmodel by flowstoic_fitness

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Maximize your weight loss by following a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate meal plan…