Carbs are not the enemy despite what you #keto followers and Jar Jar Binks lover…

Carbs are not the enemy despite what you #keto followers and Jar Jar Binks lovers think. Thanks Carter Good The TRUTH About Carbs & Fat Loss If you’re scared or worried that eating carbs will automatically lead to gaining fat then I want you to read this next sentence to yourself 10 times sloooowly… > The ONLY way you’ll gain fat from eating carbs is if you’re eating enough of them to ALSO be in a calorie surplus! You see “carbophobes” like to get their panties in a bunch over things like insulin sugar glycemic index etc… Truth is you could eat pancakes w/ syrup & sprinkles on top for every meal and not gain weight as long as you’re controlling calories… Likewise you could sit around eating eggs & bacon all day consuming virtually zero carbs and gain fat if you consume more calories than your body burns. Plus there are a TON of benefits that come with eating carbs… carbs provide your body with energy and are particularly useful for folks trying to build lean muscle fiber from carbs plays an important role in your digestive health (aka they’ll help you not be this guy –> –> ) they’re delicious & good for the soul carbs are the main macronutrient in many micronutrient dense foods () THE BOTTOM LINE if eating low-carb or keto is your thing more power to you! Everyone is different and it’s important to focus on what’s working for YOU… BUT(t) don’t think you have to eliminate carbs from your diet to lose weight. As long as you’re eating in a calorie deficit and getting a decent amount of protein every day you can have your carbs eat ’em and lose weight too Know someone this could help? Tag ’em below . . . #envisionbeingthin #carb #carbs #carbsarelife #carbsafterdark #pasta #italianfood #bread #breadsticks #pancakes #potatoes #jmaxfitness #weightloss #weightlosstips #losingweight #fatburning #fatloss #caloriecounting #calories #weightwatchers #jennycraig #healthycarbs #fiber #fitness #fitnesstips #dietfood #dieting #weightlossdiet See more at

Source by mommyllfixit



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